about me
name: peggie aw yen peng (hu yan ping)
D.O.B.: 21st august 19** (if u noe me well u should noe i how old too.. =X ) bloodtype: O+ ethnic: half thai half chinese icq: 52385590 irc nick: nuriko current wishlist: 1. manga of cuz ^_^ 2. cute mascots~~ like hp straps~~ anime or manga oso can~ 3. hmm... good paying job?? =P current fav movie: Pirates of the Caribbean, The Boss's Daughter, UnderWorld, Brother Bear My Japanese name is Megumi Aizawa. My japanese name is 長谷川 Hasegawa (long valley river) 弓美 Yumi (beautiful bow, as in bow and arrow). ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
B u B b L y D r E a M z
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did praise n worship yesterday... hmmm.... it was good~~ but dunno how the others felt... ^^;;; was kinda nervous i was.... first time ma!!! wanted to sing more songs... but like not much time yeah... but it was good yesterday la... was like a dialogue seesion where we posted qns to the tutors n they oso posted to us... haha...
whole mind was thinking abt the accident that i forgot to mention that i'm going down to chinatown to burn candles~~ wee~~ hope this year oso alot of ppl i noe going leh... ^^;; but abit sian la... on a tue... then now mum they all going le... i going after i watch the seven o'clock show.. show more important wat~~ hahaha... then think this time cannot stay so late ba??
today stayed back in sch as usual lor.. drawing the ERD this time for dbms this time.. then tomolo we meeting earlier to try complete EERD lor... tomolo case study due le.... grrr.... ~_~ hope everything goes well!! =P then next week stress liao... got maths n uwos quiz n test le... ideas room @ sp is good!!! so cool~~ got beanie bag to sit then can eat n drink inside~~ eventhough say cannot Zzz ar.. still got peeps Zzz la... =P ~Praise the Lord~ at 8:12 PM | 0 comments ~Praise the Lord~ at 6:52 PM | 0 comments today in sch heard a shocking news man!!! yesterday a gal fell to her death in our sch.. we were like huh!!! really not?? then raji was sick so she sms us from home after reading the papers i think.. so we were confirmed that it really happened lor.. then we talked abt it with dbms cher, mrs tan, spectaculating alot until i juz went ahead n checked online at straitstimes.com then we also found out that the gal was actually youcai's fren fren kinda complicated la... but still got some relations la.. oso the news report got say she's a malaysian n same age as moi lor!! sad la... then cuz its from his fren ar.. so we noe that the reason was that she was sitting on the railing of T15 4th floor talking on her phone then she fell.. all her classmates inside so they didn't notice lor... sighs... guys.. be more careful okay!! so young and she's gone... somemore not in her own country... haiz... ~Praise the Lord~ at 6:36 PM | 0 comments something happened today that i tot nothing of it until juz now while i was bathing... this is wat happened: i brought moi bro to great world city cuz he wanted to play arcade there lor.. but before that i wanted to check how much money in bank i had left for this month... then at the deposit machine the screen looked familiar to moi.. it was asking if i wan another transaction!!!! means the woman (saw her come out of the lobby when i went in) forgot to take her card/bankbook!!! i tot should be the book la cuz i mean u can't forgot to take ur atm card rite?? but i was wrong it was her card so i terminated further transaction, took her card n ran after her lor.. yupz that's all to it then i checked moi balance... only fifty bucks left n i have 7 manga to buy... -_- my target la... oh ya.. that juz now bathing (i think alot when i'm bating cuz i take long baths ma.. haha.. ) i was thinking if i never give her back card then ppl can take money hor? cuz i mean she already key in her password wat.. hmm.. but that's juz a thought la... anyway the morale of this incident is.... DUN FORGET TO TAKE OUT UR CARD/BOOK AFTER DOING TRANSACTIONS!! ~Praise the Lord~ at 10:39 PM | 0 comments noticed i haven't been updating moi bloggie again.. i seem to really blog when things HAPPEN... hahaha... means now oso got thing happen la.. at last at the end of second week of term 2 we all got back all our results for the four modules we took.. almost got straight A's man... except for vbas.. got a B for that... knew i wouldn't get A la... cuz didn't follow instructions while doing the form... it was the last section only half page long the instructions... lost all moi marks there man.. the class, which is more difficult consisting of 2 full pages, i managed to get almost full marks cher said.. then got an A for UWOS n DBMS... the former was a bit lucky... thank god.. cuz i studied more for first few chapters but in da end it was last few chapters that were impt.. then for maths i got FULL MARKS!! so happy~~~ but best thing of all is that at last on fri we ended our TBCM project with a presentation in class... gotta wear formal man.. but mum took moi formal tops both.. so i juz made do with that pink shirt i had those kinda guys wear with a tie... n guess wat? lao da aka chooming oso wore that... but not same brand la... then when i walk in class ar that CF suan moi til so much.. haiz.. but so shocking that HE wore PINK lor.. hahaha.. but overall it was all in fun la... =P now let's juz hope the project we'll all get good marks... ^_^ going church tomolo so guess i'll be Zzz now~~ oyasumi minna~~ (hmm... tot of sth while bathing juz now.. think i trying out for vb assignment first... hehe..) ~Praise the Lord~ at 1:51 AM | 0 comments hmm... there's this interesting email that's going around.. meaningful one abt God... [A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed. As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation. They talked about so many things and various subjects. When they eventually touched on the subject of God, the barber said: "I don't believe that God exists." "Why do you say that?" asked the customer. "Well, you just have to go out in the street to realize that God doesn't exist. Tell me, if God exists, would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can't imagine a loving a God who would allow all of these things." The customer thought for a moment, but didn't respond because he didn't want to start an argument. The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop. Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed beard. He looked dirty and unkempt. The customer turned back and entered the barber shop again and he said to the barber: "You know what? Barbers do not exist." "How can you say that?" asked the surprised barber. "I am here, and I am a barber. And I just worked on you!" "No!" the customer exclaimed. "Barbers don't exist because if they did, there would be no people with dirty long hair and untrimmed beards, like that man outside." "Ah, but barbers DO exist! " answered the barber. " What happens, is, people do not come to me. " "Exactly!"- affirmed the customer. "That's the point! God, too, DOES exist! What happens, is, people don't go to Him and do not look for Him. That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world."] oh ya... i bandaged my toe to sch after mum help put medicine on... BUT still i got STEPPED on THE toe by my marvellous (n abeit abit vain aka zi lian) classmate, CHRIS..... now i going home to 'air' my toe... LOL.. ~Praise the Lord~ at 6:07 PM | 1 comments hmm... how many days have i been home... since da accident i like got 'grounded'... didn't even get to STEP out of house......... i feel i so lag in sch work leh... die la.... i think i better go print out notes or wat n read!!! -gone to print stuff- ~Praise the Lord~ at 11:14 AM | 0 comments i noe this is late but i think i should update u guys on my CURRENT CONDITION..... this happened on wednesday afternoon at home... (brief one) [it rained. kitchen windows not closed. i half ran to close. floor was wet from rain. i slipped. fell with feet hitting wall. after few secs then stood up. took rug wanted wipe wet feet. noticed left big toe nail abit weird looking. looked closed. the whole nail was lifted up. was not painful at da moment. shown mum. then started to bleed. alot. mum helped cut whole nail away. big toe looked like got thick red nail polish. then the most painful experience came. she poured this chinese med liquid equavalent to alcohol on the open WOUND. it was bad. i screamed a few times. scareded milton. now i walk near him he sees toe then cry.] yesterday went clinic near house didn't go on wed that happening day cuz it closed at 5pm i think.... then she gave two days MC so that i can stay home cannnot go out... then had to miss thirs bball game with hujing, liping, theresa n v.. sad la.. but came be helped..think it got cancelled... got v think too little peeps.. oso got project meeting in sch this morning.. but cannot go.. sighs.. next week have project presentation.. need to wear formal teacher says.. now how? big toe the bandage so big only can wear slippers... that two different colors ones... (dunno that pearl slippers can fit in not.. hmm...) dunno la... sian in the midst of so many project this happens.. then this term oso super short lor... 6 weeks n like this i missed 1 week liao.. next week is term 2 week 2 liao.. OMG!!! juz woke up to take med la.. think i going back to Zzz (or maybe not)... sorry guys... those that i let down... ^^;; really sorry... haiz.... ~Praise the Lord~ at 10:31 AM | 2 comments soooo wanted to blog abt how moi archery competition went last sat but moi internet down lor... only til now then got chance to come online.. grr... in sch now la... hmm.. basically we arrived at the multi-purpose field at same time, 9am, then set up field n then formed team of four or five la.. its bigger this time cuz its ALL the freshies together this time.. then from morning til abt 12:30 we all took turns shooting.. first two ends of 3 for sighting (adjusting ur sight), then next three ends for 10m is the competition lor... if u get a bullseye its 10 points mean 3 ends = 3 x 3 x 10 = 90 points is full marks.. i got total 69 for 10m... after that we all went for lunch.. moi, daniel, yuanman, bernice, wenjie n jiazheng went to FC8 (Clementi hawker centre) to eat.. then back was time to shoot for 20m... oso three ends but this time only one end for sighting.. this time they changed pattern became 1st archers go firing line then one end for sighting followed immediately by 3 ends for points.. then 2nd archers same thing... etc... moi is 4th archer lor.... when it was FINALLY moi turn.. we all went n sight then when time for first end for points ar.. the sky dark clouds come...... then strong wind.. but wei perng still say carry on... everyone shot 1st arrow... then jiazheng his arrow flew hit the board but wind blew then it like floated in air awhile then dropped on da ground... -_- cuz of that it was dimmed bad weather.. so 4th n 5th archers postponed to continue this sat lor... ^^;; ~Praise the Lord~ at 4:55 PM | 0 comments wrote this long ago... but only now then got chance to upload.. hope it works this time.. that day i tried so long blogger kept saying got error pls try again... -_- actually i was in sch this morning for project then got internet so i got write a long blog.. but dunno why the blogger say wat cannot load... sian la... i wrote such a long one again... -_- but today in sch quite fun lor!! after project/make-up lesson, we got booked a badminton court then we played from 2-3pm... so long no play now right arm muscle a bit sore but it was good la!! there was moi, huiwen n floren... played til we stink man... then after moi n huiwen walked all the way from SAA to T19 then the guys say cancel meeting.. so we went home lor... went fishie shop to buy medicine n food for fishies la... then reached home played abit Harvest Moon(SNES), bathed, eat n went for bible studies~~ today bs was different.. its abt evanglism so the teachers all put up skits... funny ones imo... but still we got the msg they wanna put to us la~~ ~Praise the Lord~ at 3:05 PM | 0 comments actually i was in sch this morning for project then got internet so i got write a long blog.. but dunno why the blogger say wat cannot load... sian la... i wrote such a long one again... -_- but today in sch quite fun lor!! after project/make-up lesson, we got booked a badminton court then we played from 2-3pm... so long no play now right arm muscle a bit sore but it was good la!! there was moi, huiwen n floren... played til we stink man... then after moi n huiwen walked all the way from SAA to T19 then the guys say cancel meeting.. so we went home lor... went fishie shop to buy medicine n food for fishies la... then reached home played abit Harvest Moon(SNES), bathed, eat n went for bible studies~~ today bs was different.. its abt evanglism so the teachers all put up skits... funny ones imo... but still we got the msg they wanna put to us la~~ ~Praise the Lord~ at 1:13 AM | 0 comments in sch again... sighs~~ since hols started i've been coming back to sch for three days liao... now only thurs lor... -_- think tomolo oso coming back for project... haiz~~~ but cant be helped la.. mon gotta give him our proposal le.. =P almost had a chance to meet up with jing n liping.. but something has to go wrong la.. its okie la.. we talked it out.. hope we can meet up real soon man.. since they next week is hols liao... i even though will have started sch i'll definitely go out with them one lor... hope nat, theresa they all can make it too.. ^_^ oh ya.. here in sch today suppose to be for make up lab session la... but its more like a meeting with our teacher regarding our project lor... but group not everyone here yet.. so cant ask teacher give pointers.. haha... stupid proposal la.. =X then this ending at one la.. then moi, uhiwen, raji n floren we going play badminton.. but raji dun seem enthu.. -_- she wore long jeans n no racket... *sighs* i was expecting we can play doubles.. but now... IT DOESN'T MATTER!!! (taken from Rocky 3 watched with sec 4/8 class when in superteen workshop.. haha...) ~Praise the Lord~ at 11:18 AM | 0 comments sian la..... moi internet has been down since sat.... so of i on comp it's only for playing harvest moon (snes)... then i like addictedlor... lol.. i've actually played it last time but all the three versions i played were gameboy ones.. this time different... if i game this rite.. i might consider playing ps2.. hehehe... cuz chris has the game ma... =P now i can blog is cuz i in sch lor.. for meeting... but then we like see comp then surfing le... LOL.... archery yesterday was GOOD!! comp is this sat... first prize is a free bow sponsoredby our ex-senior... but i not aiming so high la.... get a finger tab i happy le... ^_^ kkz... think i better do project proper now la... *suddenly feels like going to spotlight@PS to buy wool for knitting leh..* *finger itchy~~* =P ~Praise the Lord~ at 3:11 PM | 0 comments | |
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